So much happens everyday. Nora changes and grows and learns more and more, making everyday different and new and exhausting. Each day feels like a week of my life before she came into it, and that makes the last 4 months without Phil seem painfully long.
She is currently working on mastering the ABC's and spelling her name (verbally-we are still just writing lines for letters). While Grandpa Warner was visiting she counted to 10 on her own for the first time! Socially, she is off the charts and constantly surprising me with her observations and vocabulary. I suppose with a mom that is a serious talker, she can't help but pick up the vocabulary :).
We keep busy with activities almost every morning. I have found that MY day goes better if we get out of the house in the morning and do something. It can be hectic trying to go somewhere everyday, and some mornings I wonder if it is worth it. However, it seems to be helping keep me sane, so we will continue.
Potty training is our biggest battle right now. Nora was well on her way before Phil left and did a complete 180 this spring. Any advice from you moms out there for a reluctant potty training toddler? Going number 2 in the potty is our biggest hang up right now-and Nora has all kinds of history with problems in that area to complicate things further.
Last weekend we were down at Camas Days with the Reale family-check out Ter's site for some awesome pics. And we hosted Grandpa Warner this week, or Papa Worn as Nora named him. He got to see Nora in action and came with us to all our crazy activities!
Besides our usual activities and visitors, I had a bunch of extra stuff added to my plate this month. Mid-month my Dad and I went down to Portland and bought a minivan! He is currently doing some work on it to get it in tiptop shape for me and Nora to cruise around in. Pictures will be posted once it is all done! I have had some on-going medical stuff that has kept me in and out of the doc June, July, and August. Nothing life threatening, just stuff that needs to be handled. And on top of all that we have had some problems with the company Phil hired to take care of the lawn that has had me in and out of the JAG office. Consequently, I haven't been as on top of things as I usually am and have been a little extra stressed. I am so happy to see July over!
I am hoping to slow things down a little this month...July was a little too eventful. Though I am not sure how successful I will be; the calendar is already filling fast! As always, we love visitors and the guest room is all ready. If you are lucky, I may just put you to work ;)