The only problem with all of those "benefits" is that I would vastly prefer the experiences of the last 6 years (we will leave out those first 6 months of N's fragile life) to just be repeated over and over. Spending my days with Nora have been frustrating and magical and joyful and filled with dancing. I have been forced to overcome fears and selfishness and become all around better person. I will probably be tired forever from all the growing that little munchkin has forced me to do.
I know I will find peace and joy in this next phase of my life. But right now, I am not sure where the path will go. Now that she is in all day school, I am fielding questions about going back to work and what I am going to do with "all that time". I have considered work and volunteering and spending hours at the gym "getting my body back". The opportunities available to me are numerous.
Right now, I plan to float a little. I plan to take things day by day. I am still wrapping my mind around the idea that Nora is in school all day, and I am only responsible for me from 9-330.
New phase, new season, new challenges ahead!