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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

bottles, bottles, bottles

As hot and sticky as our move to Missouri will be, I think what Phil and I are most excited about is the prospect of having a dishwasher again! When we moved to Steilacoom we didn't realize how spoiled we had become. Now with the addition of bottles and other formula feeding tools we are wishing for that dishwasher even more!

As far as Miss Nora goes, she is a completely different baby. I can see her little tummy getting better everyday. We have gotten into a rhythm with her feeding and spent some serious time and $$ figuring out what works best for her. Last weekend we bought and tried one of every bottle and nipple that claimed to help reduce colic. After 2 days of trying them all out we figured out what works best and invested in lots of those. Anything to help our little girl feel better!

This weekend is our "dress rehersal" for our move. We are driving to Clarkston to visit Grandma and Grandpa Reale-the trip is the approximate distance we plan to go each day on our way to Missouri. So, this week I am working on packing the car up as if we were moving so we have a realistic idea of what we can bring, what we need, and how much room we have for extras!

1 comment:

  1. Soooo glad that Nora is doing better! Yay for a (semi)happy baby!!
    Yep, we are busily packing up our place for our trip to Missouri, as well! Exciting and terrifying all at the same time!!
