Probably the most wonderful, we welcomed Phil home in March from his second (and final) deployment to Afghanistan. It was a torturous year in many ways, but we managed to come out stronger and more certain of the path our lives should follow.
In June, we decided that we would begin the process of separating from the Army. After many discussions weighing the pros and cons of remaining in the service, we decided the best thing for our family, for Nora, was to have Daddy home. He will remain on IRR (inactive ready reserve) status, but otherwise have no other connection to the Army.
In September Phil handed his company over to a new commander. He did a wonderful job bringing all his soldiers home and was sad to leave the job, but relieved to give up the late nights and super long hours.
Phil began Terminal Leave at the end of November and stepped up his job search with increased intensity. He began working as a Project Manager for Seattle City Light (the customer owned power company for Seattle) at the beginning of this month, and commutes about 80min each way by express bus. So far, he is loving the job AND the commute (lots of reading time).
Nora started Preschool this Fall and has blossomed there. It is a wonderful environment with compassionate teachers and many sweet friends. I am so happy with our decision to start her there last fall. If all remains as planned she will attend Pre K at the same school next year as well.
Nora spent the fall doing 3 activities in addition to preschool (Ballet, Swimming, AND Theater). We have since cut that back to 2 (Ballet and Swimming). She loves them all, but we just can't keep up with them all! Theater will likely remain one of her summer activities.
I have stepped up my volunteering and plan to slowly add more as we adjust to Phil's new schedule. I have enjoyed helping with the local MOMS club and am leading up the Fundraising commitee for Nora's Preschool. As Nora requires less undivided attention, I am enjoying having a little more time to catch up on all the little things that I have neglected the past 4 years ;)
Here's a quick Photo Catch Up:
Nora and Phil at Zoo Lights 2011
Ballet Class
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