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Monday, October 20, 2008

Wow-time flys

I am still not sure how many of you out there keep up with this, but I appologize for my absence! Nora keeps growing and changing and Phil and I keep struggling to keep up with her. She is a delight and a challenge everyday.

The news since my last post, well, there is a lot.

Nora's firsts-
First tooth- Aug 29
First meal-Sep 2
First time pulling up-Oct 3
First crawl-Oct 17
First step- Oct 18

Those are her big milestones. She is still inching along with solid food eating-it is a slow process since I am a little hyper-worried about allergies. It will probably be a while before her "first step" turns into walking, but she is getting bolder and more confident everyday. We were so lucky to have my parents, Grandma and Grandpa Reale, here for a visit this past weekend. AND they were lucky enough to witness her crawling AND her first step. What an amazing little girl we have.

I will try to keep up better with my blog over the coming months :)