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Thursday, March 20, 2008


While I wouldn't classify Nora as a "colicky" baby, we have definitely entered a new stage of her growth...a very very very fussy stage. Shortly after hitting the 2 month mark (or zero, when talking about her development), she changed from a very mellow baby that only cried when wet or hungry (and stopped as soon as the need was met), to a fussy gassy little girl that screams for what seems like hours. I am not sure how the parents with truely colicky babies survive. It is so painfully to hear her cry and not be able to do anything to fix it!

Phil and I are starting to figure out how to deal with this new behavior and what causes it, but it is trying nonetheless. Consequently, our sleep has become even more erratic and our house even more of a disaster. I suppose just another bump in the road of parenthood! We can't wait to climb over this one and take on the next, hopefully it will involve a little less crying!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Phil and Carman,
    My name is Marian and I work with Phil's dad. I'm also a knitting fiend and have knit a couple of tiny baby hats for your sweet girl. Please send an email to me with your mailing address so that I can mail these to you. Love your blog!!
